Digital media The Lake Arrowhead Gathering Place logo, shared by Rotarian,Joyce Patrick-Eckert, Historian & President of the Senior Center Project, Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Retrieved August 11, 2024. Published August 11, 2024.
A Rotary Club of Lake ArrowheadFoundation Fundraiser | Project
2024-08-11 07:00:00Z |
Ronda Rynda with husband Jay Rynda, newly inducted 2024 | 2025 President of the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Congratulations Jay! We look forward to another great year of fun serving others and building friendships alongside you and lovely supporting wife Ronda. We appreciate you both. From yours truly, the team of service volunteers at the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Photography by Rotarian Joyce Patrick-Eckert Published August 2, 2024.
Jay Rynda 2024|2025New Club President
2024-08-02 07:00:00Z |
Community Effort Community Feedback; Assessment Lake Arrowhead Rotary Foundation through PayPal link Tax Deductible For more information Published May 22, 2024 Updated June 4, 2024 Updated June 6, 2024
Lake Arrowhead Rotary Foundation Senior Center Update | Fundraiser
2024-05-22 07:00:00Z |
Join Us! We will have a booth with lots of information about the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center in the works. Come and enjoy talking to us. We’d like to hear your thoughts to help us shape it. There’s also a brief survey to take. The link is located on our Home Page. We will also have a second booth featuring small pots for children to decorate and plant a seedling in. Adults and their parents can learn more about Rotary International and our affiliate Club. We look forward to a big turnout! See you there! Published May 19, 2024. Updated June 11, 2024. Shared by Teri Ostlie, President of the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Club. Special thank you from the entire Rotary Club family of service volunteers for the donation of potting soil and supplies from local mountain communities, Ace Hardware, of Crestline Ca.
Health Fair
2024-05-19 07:00:00Z |
 Please participate in a vital survey to help make the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center a reality; With community participation, alongside the Rotary International Foundation, a new senior center located in Lake Arrowhead is in the works. Please join us by taking a vital needs assessment survey and joining us in interactive community meetings: Wed May 15, 2024 at 5:30pm Sat May 18, 2024
at 10:30am The meetings are hosted in the Alpine Escrow community room in the Blue Jay Mall in Blue Jay. We look forward to seeing all come join in support of the mission. We are seeking ideas for a building location within Lake Arrowhead, and the possibility of a charitable donation of a building, or a long-term lease to help realize the vision. If you are interested in volunteering or have suggestions regarding a potential location, please contact Joyce-Patrick Eckert, Executive Board President, the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center at or by email More information is available on the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior website CLICK HERE for more information; participate in a vital community survey; or to contact Joyce Patrick-Eckert, Rotarian & Executive President, Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center. Posted May 7, 2024
Join us in shaping the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center
2024-05-07 07:00:00Z |
Saturday June 15, 2024 10am-6pm
Lake Skinner, Temecula, California Posted May 7, 2024
Join us for the IgNITE Festival
2024-05-06 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead Annual Lake Arrowhead Village Classic Car & Motorcycle Show Free general admission. Classic vehicle entry ticket purchases helps us to help meet the needs of our mountain community with the annual charitable fun family community event. Event Date Saturday July 27, 2024 10am-3pm Lake Arrowhead Village 28200 Hwy 189 Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 For Event Information & Vehicle Registration: The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead is looking forward to seeing everyone at the fun family community event. Posted April 26, 2024. The entire Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead family of service volunteers. Event volunteer organizers: JC Eckert, Director, the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead, Annual Lake Arrowhead Village Classic Car and Motorcycle Show. Jeri Simpson, President Nominee & Treasurer, the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Event graphics volunteer Bob Gladwell, RC Gladwell Advertising & Graphic Design, Inc. & Membership Director, the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead.
Summer 2024Classic Car& Motorcycle Event
2024-04-26 07:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead family of service volunteers thank Rim High School students and teachers for the fabulous video production of the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead 2024 PolaRotary Bear plunge. Talented Rim High students expressed "special thanks again to Patrick Rains for inviting us and giving us a chance to contribute to the community" from their website, Rim Today Productions. 2024 PolaRotary Bear Plunge Rim Today Productions New Video Release A message from the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead family of service volunteers: Thank you to the Lake Arrowhead Resort, the San Bernardino County Fire Department, all supporters, jumpers, sponsors, and community volunteers of the 2024 PolaRotary Bear Plunge! Thank you Patrick Rains, Founder & Director of the PolaRotary annual event, and wife Jo Bonita Rains. Thank you Jeri Simpson, President Nominee & Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead for organizing the 2024 PolaRotary Bear Plunge Event. The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead appreciates all volunteers for their hard work in making the event possible. The event was a super success, with over 35K raised in charity dollars. The charitable dollars are distributed to community charities helping to improve lives and meet the needs of our mountain communities. The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead is looking forward to seeing everyone at the next 2025 PolaRotary Plunge. Posted April 13, 2024 Edited April 14, 2024 Video credit, Rim High School, Rim Today Productions, Retrieved April 13, 2024 from /media/community/bearplunge24/ Patrick Rains, Director & Founder, Annual PolaRotary Bear Plunge. Jeri Simpson, Organizer, President Nominee & Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Graphics service volunteer, Bob Gladwell, RC Gladwell Advertising & Graphic Design, Inc. & Membership Director the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead family of service volunteers.
Rim Today Productions
2024-04-13 07:00:00Z |
Spring cheer from our meeting today at the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. Left to right: Elizabeth, Patrick, Joy, Jeri, Hugh & Laurel. Highlights from Hugh at today’s meeting: Seeking volunteers with a passion for gardening & landscaping. Updates and freshening our community Rotary Centennial Park & Recreation Complex is needed. Please contact Hugh Bialecki at the Rim of the World Recreation & Park District if interested in volunteering to help support this effort. Highlights from Joy at today’s meeting: Joy presented pamphlets & information on the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead approved survey needs assessment for a possible future senior center in Lake Arrowhead. Please take the survey needs assessment Joy and the Lake Arrowhead Rotary Foundation Board have initiated. It is most appreciated. Your thoughts on a Senior Citizen Center in Lake Arrowhead matter. To participate in the survey, click on the link below: Published April 9, 2024
Rotarian Laurel Leidner was speaker today. Laurel shared about her family, education, career as a school teacher and her passion as a travel agent as her second career. A treat to learn some tips on traveling abroad from Laurel. She looks forward to traveling to Italy, Scotland & Japan in the near future. Laurel on the left and Jay Rynda, President Elect on the right. Published April 9, 2024
Spring Cheer
2024-04-09 07:00:00Z |
  Rebuilding Together® Mountain Community Event, scheduled Saturday April 27, 2024 Round up your neighbors & friends for a great day of fun in community service. We are meeting Saturday April 27th at our usual meeting location at 8am: Twin Peaks Rotary Centennial Park & Recreation Complex 675 Grandview Dr. Twin Peaks, CA . 92391
Rebuilding Together®Mountain Communities
2024-04-09 07:00:00Z |
Thanks to our supporters of the Rotary Foundation, together, we help change the lives of others. Was a sunny day at the Ronald McDonald House in Southern California for visiting Rotarians. Since 1984, the Ronald McDonald House of SoCal has helped children and their families get through the real life struggles of cancer. For additional information on their mission and how many lives touched by their support and compassion please visit their website: Photo and journey diary shared by Rotarian, Patrick Rains, Director & Chair, Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. April 8, 2024
2024-04-08 07:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead welcomes speaker Dr. Paul Sevillano, new Superintendent of the Rim of the World School District. Dr. Paul Sevillano has an extensive 39 years of experience in public education and is an advocate for college and career ready school graduates. He plans continued partnerships in academic excellence, and increased support for school staff in growth and professional development. Dr. Sevillano expressed desire to promote the good attributes our school district has through the development of an encouraging School District newsletter. Expanding student exposure to music and the arts, utilizing unused facilities to have adult education back in the mountain communities, are of the topics Dr.Sevillano discussed at our club meeting as new Superintendent of Rim of the World School district. Published April 2, 2024
Welcome, Dr. Paul Sevillano
2024-04-02 07:00:00Z |
________________________ The Rotary Club welcomes Joy Eckert. Joy is a long standing supporter of the Rotary club. She presented to the Rotary club a vision of a Lake Arrowhead Senior Center with the support of the Rotary Foundation. It's official, standing next to her husband on the left is JC Eckert. Now both are Rotarians! JC serves as a Director and Chairperson for our Annual Lake Arrowhead Village Car & Motorcycle Fundraiser. Bob Gladwell, Director & Membership Chair on the right. Posted March 26, 2024 Edited April 10, 2024
The Rotary Club WelcomesJoy Eckert
2024-03-26 07:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead welcomes Josceyln Field, Executive Director, Rim Family Services. A highlight of the topics Joyce discussed is Rim family Services mission to help our mountain community youth, through RCFY; The Rim Communities for Youth Coalition, a program in place with the goal of reducing youth access to alcohol and drugs. Additional information on programs offered through Rim Family Services by visiting designated website:
Published March 26, 2024
Speaker Joscelyn Field
2024-03-26 07:00:00Z |
_______________________________ In Loving Memory of Cheryl Johnstone-Moxley Shaw Harrison We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Cheryl on Monday January 29, 2024. We miss her warmth and smile dearly. Cheryl is survived by her husband and fellow Rotarian Charlie Harrison, married in December 2022, her daughter daughter Airyn Moxley, siblings DeeDee Zetlmaier, Joanie Hopkins, Linda Chute, Tom Johnstone, and Jim Johnstone, and grandson Robbie Moxley. She was a resident of Lake Arrowhead since 1949, and was a beloved school teacher for 37 years at the Lake Arrowhead Elementary School and a very active Rotarian at our club since 2011. Over the years she served as past President, Director and Chairperson. She leaves a legacy of love, friendship and community service to all who knew her in our mountain communities. Posted March 24, 2024 _______________ Archives
In Loving Memory of Cheryl Johnstone-Moxley Shaw Harrison
2024-03-24 07:00:00Z |
Scholarship Recipients Express Their Gratitude Aylene Popka, Vocational Youth & Service Leader, received thank you notes from those who received scholarships. One of the notes is shared below. Congratulations winners! CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE NOTES.
Archive 2017 Scholarships
2017-12-23 08:00:00Z |

"I want to extend a spirited thank you for participating in the Blue Jay Parade. We made a great showing and YOU are all terrific and such remarkable members of our community. We gave away approximately 800 books. The sandwich boards were a great addition as were the canvas bags. Aylene, thank you so much for pulling all of the books together!" YIRS, Cheryl
2017-12-05 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Books
2017-11-28 08:00:00Z |
Nov 2017The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead wishes you and your families a peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving. And let us remember those who are in need and may we give of ourselves to make their holidays joyous.
Archive 2017 Thanksgiving
2017-11-17 08:00:00Z |
Nov 2017 | Garage Sale Volunteers. This is most of the clean up crew. Thanks to all that made this a great success. Special thanks to the Gladwells for allowing us to use their home. | | Dictionary day at LAE in Laurie Johnson's 3rd grade, Rm. 2. Cheryl Moxley and Steve Holstein passing out dictionaries to some very happy children. | | |
Archive 2017 Dictionaries to school
2017-11-16 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Holiday party
2017-11-09 08:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead Raised a New Flag in Lake Arrowhead Village Park
Archive 2017 New Flag
2017-11-09 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Veterans Day
2017-11-08 08:00:00Z |
WELCOME DAN MCALLISTER Welcome to our newest member, Dan McAllister. Dan has been a Rotary member since the 1980's. He recently joined our Club and was sponsored by Sheila Ben-Hur. Dan is also a Paul Harris Fellow. Welcome Dan.
Archive 2017 New member Dan Mcallister
2017-10-31 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 NEW TEACHERS
2017-10-31 07:00:00Z |
Our District Governor Visits Us Our District Governor Massey Manzoor recently visited our Club. He gave an inspiring talk and the following message: Join Rotary Meet Leaders Exchange Ideas Take Action Make A Difference Feel Good He also gave Community Service Recognition Awards to Bob Gladwell, Ron Doutt, Patrick Rains, and Cheryl Moxley (center photo). We were so touched by his story about the farm in Zambia in need of a tractor that we presented him with a check for $1,000 toward the tractor's purchase.
Archive 2017 DG visits
2017-10-31 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Save the Date
2017-10-25 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Remembering Richard Kerr
2017-10-25 07:00:00Z |
I25, G57, G59, N34, B10 I27, G55, B13, I28, 066
Archive 2017 Bingo Numbers
2017-10-16 07:00:00Z |
Archive World Polio Day
2017-10-16 07:00:00Z |
MESSAGE FROM JOE RAMOS It would be great for members of our Club to come out and see our 2018 RotaryFloat at the new facility it was built and where it will be decorated. This is 14 miles closer to us than the old Pasadena Facility. It will be a fun event with heavy hors d'ouvers, wine, beer music etc. for only $45 each. We will have about 5 proclamations from a State Senator, Assemblyman, and other Civic Leaders along with meeting some of the walker/riders, KCAL-9 and possibly KTLA-5 coverage. As the first Chair of the event from our District (let alone our club) in the history of this Float, I would love to introduce my home club. This is where 75% of the Rose Parade Floats will be built and decorated. Take a sneak peak at those that have been built. Past members Jeff and Sue Shutt (will be rejoining) and Jack Winsten have made their reservations. Carpooling is desired.
Archive 2018 ROTARY FLOAT
2017-10-11 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 BACK TO WOODY'S
2017-10-11 07:00:00Z |
Donald Willerth Our Rotary club has lost one of its finest members, Donald Willerth. Donald and Andrea joined the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead in 2003 and 2008 respectively. Together they were both kind and generous, supporting our club and Rotary International with their good will and open hearts. Donald passed away in August and the Celebration of his life was this past Sunday. Donald and Andrea were unable to attend club meetings for the last few years due to health issues but they supported us in every way. If you wish to honor the memory of Donald Willerth there is a fund being created to support the Mountains Community Hospital Foundation which they also supported generously. Respectfully and with Sadness, Cheryl Moxley
Archive Oct 2017Don Willerth
2017-10-03 07:00:00Z |
A Busy Club We Are Aylene Popka receives a check from our President, Cheryl Moxley to send 5 students to PRYDE. Way to go Lake Arrowhead Rotary Club. David Nygren, Assistant Principal and AVID Liaison, had two of his AVID students, Montse Granados and Juan Barrios talk about the AVID program. AVID stands for "Advancement Via Individual Determination". Students must volunteer to follow the program and commit to the tutoring, binder checks, projects, taking rigorous classes, and taking college prep class. In 10 about 130 students have participated in the program. AVID makes college dreams a reality.
Archive 2017 Busy Club We Are
2017-09-18 07:00:00Z |
Larry King Leaving the Mountain Rotarian and friend Larry King, will be leaving the mountain and our Club. He has accepted the position of Superintendent of the Acton Aqua Dolce Unified School District. Congratulations on your new position. We wish you the very best. We will miss you, so please come visit us when you can.
Archive 2017 Larry King leaving
2017-09-18 07:00:00Z |
Rim High Wrestling Receives Generous Check Steve South and Michael Gladwell receive check thanking Rim Wrestlers for their support of this year's Art&Wine Festival.
B 8
Archive 2017 Rim High Wrestling
2017-09-16 07:00:00Z |
New Member Art Alvarez, Artist and Illustrator Shares His Work Art worked for Disney Studios as an artist and illustrator for over 20 years. He now has his own business in Lake Arrowhead where he practices his craft. Here are a few samples of Art's work N 41
Archive 2017 Art Alvarez
2017-09-16 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Hurricane Help
2017-08-29 07:00:00Z |
The 2017 PolaRotary Bear Plunge is over and all the data are now in. Please see the recap below to see how successful this year's event was. If you are viewing this as a visitor to our Club's website, this recap gives you a very good perspective of how we serve our community. Become a part of our club and help share your talent and time serving our community. Please come to our meeting any Tuesday at 12:00 PM at Woody's Boathouse in the Lake Arrowhead Village. You will be greeted by all and made to feel right at home. And be our guest for lunch. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.
Archive 2017 plunge recap
2017-08-28 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Much Happened
2017-08-27 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Love Conquers Hate
2017-08-15 07:00:00Z |
PolaRotary Plunge Check, a Shop Talk, and Rotarians Having Fun At our July 18 meeting, Patrick Rains and Ron Doutt had the honor of providing a large check to the Mountain Communities Scholarship Fund. Over the last ten years one million dollars was raised to support college scholarships. This check will add to the fund. Accepting the check was Neal Perkins. Congratulations to all the jumpers and sponsors who supported the Scholarship Fund. We also had a very interesting shop talk by newer member Ben Cardell. After hearing Ben talk about all he has done, it makes some of us wonder what we have been doing. Thank you Ben. It also seems that our President, Cheryl Moxley, will be sharing with us a "quote for the week". Here is her first one. And here are a few pictures from our meeting. Rotarians enjoying themselves and having fun.
Archive 2017 JULY 18 MEETING
2017-07-24 07:00:00Z |
First Meeting for our New President July 11 was the first meeting for our new President Cheryl Moxley. Once again our Club made a smooth transition from our now Past President Russell Bell to our President for this Rotary Year, Cheryl Moxley. We all know Cheryl as an energetic enthusiastic person. At her first meeting she did not disappoint. Her excitement for the coming year is evident and I know we all look forward to working with her and supporting her as she leads our Club to new heights. Well done Cheryl.
Archive 2017 New President Cheryl Moxley
2017-07-17 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Catching up
2017-07-07 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Days in the Sun
2017-06-28 07:00:00Z |
Rotarians Read to LAE Students Every year we read to students at LAE Elementary School books that have been donated by our Club. This year 19 Rotarians read to the students. It was a wonderful and fun filled experience for all who participated. Thank you Rotarians.
Archive 2017 LAE Reading
2017-06-06 07:00:00Z |
More PolaRotary Plunge Checks Issued Left Photo: Steve Keefe accepts check for Rim High Future Business Leaders of America. Steve also was our first place costume winner this year. Right Photo: Jo Bonita Rains accepts check for Rim Education Foundation. Over the last 4 years, more money has been raised for Rim Education than any other charity in the PolaRotary Plunge's history.
Archives 2017 PolaRotary Plunge Checks
2017-06-05 07:00:00Z |
Blue Jay Jazz Foundation Chris Levister (Center) and Hugh Bialecki (Right of Chris) discuss the Blue Jay Jazz Foundation. Chris, President, indicated the mission of the Foundation is to "Celebrate, Educate, and Promote Jazz" This year three performances will be held at Sky Park Village on August 10, 17, and 24. Check for more information Jessie Sonntag Garcia (Left) and Sarah Bare (Next to Jessie) each performed for us. What talented young man and woman.
Archive 2017 Jazz Foundation
2017-06-05 07:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Scholarships
2017-06-03 07:00:00Z |
Our Club Recognized for its Efforts WOW! Thanks to the efforts of our members, our Club was amply rewarded at this year's District Conference. Way to go The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead.
Archive 2017 Recognition
2017-05-29 07:00:00Z |
Is Disc Golf in our Future on the Mountain Austin & Chad present the ins and outs of Disc Golf. A rapidly growing sport. Let's hope we get some Disc Golf courses here on our mountain.
Archive 2017 Disc Golf
2017-05-29 07:00:00Z |
Aylene Popka Honored Rudy Westervelt and Russell Bell salute our own Aylene Popka for being a finalist in the District's Woman of the Year Award. Way to go Aylene. Thank you for all that you do.
Archive 2017 Aylene Honored
2017-05-29 07:00:00Z |
Welcome Robert Ippolito Russell Bell and Bob Gladwell welcome new transfer in Robert Ippolito Welcome to the Club Robert.
Archive 2017 new Member transferred in
2017-05-21 07:00:00Z |
Steve Caloca Receives Check for Jumping Patrick Rains presents Steve Caloca with a check for Jumping in the Lake for the Mountain Bruins. Congratulations Steve.
Archive 2017 caloca gets check
2017-05-21 07:00:00Z |
More PolaRotary Plunge Checks Presented Ronald Doutt presents PolaRotary Plunge Checks to our President Russell Bell (Lake Arrowhead Rotary) and to Trish Keefer (Life Rolls On). Congratulations jumpers.
Archive 2017 PolaRotary Plunge Checks
2017-05-15 07:00:00Z |
Welcome New Member Ben Cardell Ben Cardell (Holding certificate and plaque) being inducted by Bob Gladwell (left) and Russell Bell (Right) and his sponsor Randy Buechler (Right of Ben). Welcome to The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead Ben.
Archive 2017 New Member Inducted
2017-05-15 07:00:00Z |
Our Rotarians at District 5280 Conference Whether serving at our Hospitality Table or enjoying the company of fellow Rotarians, we were there.
Archive 2017 District 5280 Conference
2017-05-11 07:00:00Z |
Checks Keep Flowing to Jumpers for Local Charitable Organizations Peter Wesch (Left) accepts check for Last Chance Rescue from Patrick Rains. On the right Karen Reams and Hugh Bialecki receive check for Parks and Rec. Ronald Doutt, the guy with the microphone, presides. Congratulations jumpers.
Archive 2017 Checks go out
2017-05-07 07:00:00Z |
Rotary International Rose Parade Float Joe Ramos spoke to us about the Annual Rotary Rose Parade Float. Joe is Chairing the 2018 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee. The 2017 Award Winning Float is shown in the pictures. Our club generously passed the hat and donated $385 and is excited to help with the decorations. Here Jeanne and Joe present a hat to our Club President Elect Cheryl Moxley-Shaw. Joe also gave us a sneak preview of the 2018 provisional float. Sorry no pictures. Thank you Jeanne and Joe for all you do for Rotary.
Archive 2017 Rose Bowl Parade
2017-04-25 07:00:00Z |
Mountain Counseling and Training Success First, Meet Rotary At our April 18, 2017 meeting, Michael Beavers and Malia Fontecchio share Mountain Counseling and Training's program to provide Short-term wraparound services for the most challenged children in the mountains communities. Doing good work in our Community.
Archive 2017 Mountain Counseling and Training
2017-04-23 07:00:00Z |
More Checks to PolaRotary Plunge Jumpers This week, Ron Doutt presented PolaRotary Plunge Checks to jumpers, Bob Gladwell for Rim Wrestling and to Sarah Jamison and Jack Winsten for Project Child Save. Congratulations.
Archive 2017 Polar Plunge More check go out
2017-04-23 07:00:00Z |
Rim of the World Historical Receives Grant Jeannie Venturini, President Rim of the World Historical Society, accepts grant from Russell Bell and Cheryl Moxley. These grant funds will be used in combination with other donated funds to re-floor the Mountain History Museum. The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead proudly supports our local community organizations.
Archive 2017 ROWHS accepts check
2017-04-18 07:00:00Z |
Pola Rotary Plunge Checks Continue to be Given to Community Organizations Trish Kiefer (Top Left) accepts check for Handicap Scuba Association and Life Rolls On. Pastor Randy Buecheler (Top Right) accepts check for Mt. Calvary Luthern Church, and Les Payne and Peter Venturini (bottom photo) accept check for the Knights of Columbus local council.
Archive 2017 More Plunge checks
2017-04-18 07:00:00Z |
RYLA YOUTH LEADERSHIP PARTICIPANTS SPEAK ABOUT THEIR THREE DAY CONFERENCE Emily Tvelia (right), Robby Moxley (center), and Jon Haverlin (left) shared their very positive experience with RYLA and thanked our Rotary Club for supporting them. Aylene Popka gave me some additional background information about RYLA which I am sharing below. Thank you Aylene. RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Every Rotary District in the world is encouraged to create their own RYLA conference. Our District RYLA serves more participants than any other in the world - about 625 high school juniors each year from throughout our District 5330. We have two conferences each Spring at the Thousand Pines Conference Center. Conference speakers talk about leadership skills and the teens do a large service project (for example, packaging thousands of meals for people in need). The participants are assigned to small discussion groups. In these groups, they meet about 12 times throughout the conference to process what they are doing/hearing and sharing how it relates to their personal lives (these discussions can get pretty "heavy" emotionally). All in all a tremendous opportunity for these participants and hearing them speak of how the experience influenced their lives makes us all proud Rotarians to be able to support them.
Archive 2017 RYLA Awards
2017-04-09 07:00:00Z |
DISTRIBUTION OF 2017 POLAROTARY PLUNGE CHECKS TO SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS CONTINUES   Sid Lewis accepts check for the Mountain Jewish Community. Polly Sauer for Special Olympics, and Michael Gladwell for Rim Wrestling. Congratulations to these courageous jumpers for their support of our Club and the organizations for which they "Jumped in the Lake".
Archive 2017 Plunge Checks going out
2017-04-08 07:00:00Z |
All the Speakers Were Winners in This Year's Speech Contest This year's speech contest featured 6 young women from Rim High School. All the speeches contained a message for all of us. As Rotarians, it makes us proud to see and be able to support such talent. Congratulations and well done. From left to right: Madison Hausmann (1st place); Mollie Kortson (2nd place); Emily Hosking (3rd place); Marley Hughes (Honorable Mention); Louise Bill (Honorable Mention); Karen Zhou (Honorable Mention) A thank you to our judges: Vicky Center; Michelle Laws; and Bruce Weiss. And thanks to Jay Rynda, timekeeper. Finally thank you Sheila Ben-Hur for making this happen.
Archive 2017 Speech Contest
2017-04-04 07:00:00Z |
Tom Bachmann on Wine At our March 14 meeting, wine maker Tom Bachmann shared with us the finer points of wine making. What Tom does not know about wine making is not worth knowing.
Archive 2017 Tom on Wine
2017-03-27 07:00:00Z |
PolaRotary Plunge Checks Being Distributed Peter and Derek receive the checks for the organizations they supported in this years PolaRotary Plunge. More checks will be issued in the coming weeks.
Archive 2017 PolaRotary Plunge Checks Being Distributed
2017-03-27 07:00:00Z |
Cal Fire Presentation on its Conservation Camp Program At our March 21st meeting, Travis Thogmartin and Jeff Veick talked about the Cal Fire Conservation Camp Program. Currently Cal Fire operates 39 camps statewide housing more than 4,300 inmates and wards. Cal Fire operates 196 fire crews year round. They perform more than 3 million hours of emergency response work each year.
Archive 2017 Cal Fire Presentation
2017-03-27 07:00:00Z |
Another Successful Dental Screening Day Thank you Rotarian Dr. Hugh Bialecki and his Rotary assistants.
Archive 2017 Dental Screenings
2017-03-27 07:00:00Z |
SKY PARK SANTA'S VILLAGE NEEDS OUR HELP .jpg) At our March 7th meeting, Bill Johnson updated us on the status of Sky Park Santa's Village. He now needs our help. Shortly, the final Environmental Impact Report comes up for approval before the County Board of Supervisors. Approval of this Report is crucial for the full opening of Sky Park. He is requesting those supporting Sky Park to let our Supervisors and Legislative Representatives know that we want this Report approved now so Sky Park can open the rest of its venues. Hundreds of jobs in our community are at stake as well as the sorely needed boost to our mountain economy. At the meeting many of us signed letters supporting the approval of the Environmental Impact Report.
Archive Sky Park Needs our Help
2017-03-11 08:00:00Z |
Waikiki Surf Weekly Newsletter Fellow Rotarian Sid Lewis visited the Waikiki Surf Rotary Club when he visited Hawaii earlier this year. He recently sent me a copy of their weekly highlights newsletter. We thought you would like to see their newsletter which is basically highlights from their weekly meeting.
Archive Waikiki Surf
2017-03-07 08:00:00Z |
Mountain Top Springs Going to Carnegie Hall.jpg) These young men and women are part of the Mountain Top Springs group that will be playing at Carnegie Hall on March 13th. They came to our Club meeting to give us a sampling of what they will be playing. These five talented artists are from Left to Right; Jesse Sonntag Garcia; Peleah Baesa; Natalie Wachsmath; Emily Monroe; and Sydney Aaron.
Archive Mountain Top Springs
2017-02-22 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Valentine's Party Interact
2017-02-20 08:00:00Z |
Scholarship Recipients Express Their Gratitude Aylene Popka, our Rotarian in charge of Scholarships received thank you notes from those who received scholarships. One of the notes is shared below. Reading these makes us all feel proud to be Rotarians. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE NOTES.
Archive Scholarship Recipients
2017-02-20 08:00:00Z |
2017 Polarotary Plunge Second Most Successful Our 2017 Polarotary Plunge is now in the history books. Again a very successful and fun filled time had by all. Some 66 jumpers braved the chill waters to support 27 charities and raised around $30,000! This years plunge has the makings of being the second best year in the events 9 year history. Congratulations to Patrick and his committee and all of the volunteers and helpers who made this event successful.
Archive 2017 Plunge
2017-02-11 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 High School Talent Show
2017-02-11 08:00:00Z |
Camp Paivika Receives $1,100.00Camp Paivika, a camp for children and adults with disabilities receives a check from Cheryl Moxley (right) representing our Rotary Club. Service above Self. Thank you for all you do Camp Paivika..jpg)
Archive 2017 Camp Paivika check
2017-02-07 08:00:00Z |
Sherwin Grossman Long time Rotarian Sherwin Grossman passed away peacefully in his sleep Friday, February 3rd. Sherwin joined our Rotary Club in 1992 and was very active in the Club. Prior to joining our Club Sherwin was active in the Upland Rotary Club. Sherwin was married to his wife Adele for over 50 years. She passed away five years ago. Sherwin has two daughters and three grandchildren. Our prayers and wishes are with his family. You will be missed.
Archive 2017 Sherwin Grossman passin
2017-02-06 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2017 Tues mtg cancelled
2017-01-23 08:00:00Z |
Sid Lewis Returns from Waikiki with Local Club Banner
Archive 2017 Sid Lewis Waikiki Club Banner
2017-01-15 08:00:00Z |
Blue Jay Jazz Festival Awards to Our Fellow Rotarians  Hugh Bialecki presented thank you desk trophies to three of our Rotary Club members for their support of the Blue Jay Jazz Foundation. From left: Russell Bell, Hugh Bialecki, Dr. Patrick Rains, and Sheila Ben-Hur.
Archive 2017 Jazz Festival Awards
2017-01-15 08:00:00Z |
Rebuilding Together Continues to Receive our Support At our December 20th meeting, we gave Rebuilding Together $1,500 to support their efforts. Our Club continues its support of this group and their work.
Archive 2016 Rebuilding Together
2017-01-02 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2016 Holiday Party
2016-12-18 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2016 Blue Jay Parade
2016-12-06 08:00:00Z |
Archives 2016 Holiday greetings
2016-12-06 08:00:00Z |
Another Rotary Scholarship Awarded Nicole Paquette receives a $1,000 scholarship from Aylene Popka at our December 6 meeting.
Archive 2016 Nicole Paquette Scholarship
2016-12-06 08:00:00Z |
Bob McConnell Inducted as our Newest Member- Welcome Bob to the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead
Archive 2016 Bob McConnell
2016-11-27 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2016 No Meeting Tuesday, December 27
2016-11-16 08:00:00Z |
Archive 2016 Blue Star Mom's
2016-11-11 08:00:00Z |
It's Time for the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead Annual Holiday Party! Held at the beautiful UCLA Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead Mark your calendars for Friday, December 9th, 2016 Please RSVP by December 1st
Archive Annual Party
2016-11-03 07:00:00Z |
RCLA BBQ Michael takes first place in "How Far Can You Drive a Marshmallow Contest". Go to Photo Gallery tab to see pictures from the BBQ
Archive 2016 RCLA BBQ
2016-10-29 07:00:00Z |
Rim High Groups Receive Checks for their Work at 2016 Art & Wine Festival At the ROWUSD school board meeting on October 20, 2016, board trustee and Rotarian Richard Lavin, and Rotarian Clark Hahne presented award checks for three Rim of the World High School groups that had worked at the 2016 Art and Wine Festival. Pictured left to right are Lavin, Principal Derek Swem, Athletic Director Scott Craft, and Hahne. The recipient groups were Boys Basketball ($500), Girls Basketball ($750), and Interact Club ($500). At separate presentations, Lake Arrowhead Rotary presented checks to the Rim Education Fund ($500), Mountain Bike Club ($2000), and the Wrestling Team ($3500). In his remarks, Lavin emphasized that these are not gifts from Rotary, but money that the students had earned "by the sweat of their brows" in making the 2016 Art & Wine Festival a success.
Archive 2016 Art and Wine Donations
2016-10-19 07:00:00Z |
Rotarians Save Thousands in 3rd World Countries The Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead working with the International Rotary Club to build peanut butter factories in 3 rd world countries. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is a condition that results from severe malnutrition. Although the condition affects people of any age, the most common victims are children between one and three years of age. READ PRESS RELEASE
Archive 2016 SAMS Press Release
2016-10-13 07:00:00Z |
At its meeting on Tuesday, October 11, the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead voted to provide 10 Lifesaver Jerry Can water filters to Haiti. Pledges from members and Club funds made this possible. Each water can filter produces about 5,000 gallons of sterile water. Thanks to the efforts of Norton Marks who weekly collects money for these water filters and Jack Winsten who is coordinating delivery of these cans to a Haitian Rotary Club for distribution, these cans are on their way to help Haitian citizens deal with the aftermath of the devastation from hurricane Matthew. This is what Rotary is all about.
Archive 2016 Water for Haiti
2016-10-10 07:00:00Z |
VISIT TO HAITI RCLA member Jack Winsten and H3 Missions were in Haiti just prior to the devastating hurricane that hit the country. RCLA, through Norton Mark's efforts, is instrumental in supporting clean drinking water for Haitians. Members of RLCA will be joining H3 missions for a medical/surgical clinic.
Archive 2016 HAITIAN VISIT
2016-10-03 07:00:00Z |
WELCOMING OUR NEW EDUCATORS On September 20, we had the pleasure to host and welcome the new educators to our mountain. Our Superintendent, Dr. Giovanni Annous, (second photo from top left in white shirt) and Associate Superintendent Lawrence King, (below Dr. Annous in the blue shirt) welcomed our new educators. Several of our members also welcomed these educators and thanked them for their commitment to education. Our new educators are: Valerie Morris Laurel Fretz Nathalie Mazo Melissa Butters Cherish Sarmiento Jessica Flores Michele Solem William Spivey April Ibarra Mary Wroth Amber McCoy Jennifer Whiteside Jaime Cherry
Archive 2016 Welcoming Our New Educators
2016-09-19 07:00:00Z |
At our September 13, meeting Wayne Palmer, President and Diedre Boone, Publicity Chair from Rebuilding Together Mountain Communities thanked our Club for our $1500 contribution as Official Rebuilding Day House Sponsors. Our President graciously accepted the honorary check for the Club. Also present from Rebuilding Together was Susan Parks, Secretary.
Archive 2016 Rebuilding Together
2016-09-18 07:00:00Z |
ROTARY CLUB OF LAKE ARROWHEAD AGAIN SPONSORS A ROTARY EXCHANGE STUDENT She is Jessenia , a student at Rim High and a member of the Rim High Interact Club and she will be spending her 2016/2017 high school year attending high school in France. Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead provides her with her required exchange student blue blazer and she will be living with a Rotary family when studying in France.
Archive 2016 Exchange Student Jessenia
2016-09-11 07:00:00Z |
RUSSELL KELLER Russ gave a fascinating presentation on the Overell Murder and trial. The trial took place in 1947 and lasted 133 days.
Archive 2016 Russ Keller
2016-09-05 07:00:00Z |
2016-01-17 08:00:00Z |